Project description (English)

SCI partners in the Greens to Adirondacks linkage are actively working together to improve both climate resilience and water quality within an ecologically important natural area called Hubbardton River Clayplain Preserve (HRCP). This work blends a variety of different management activities including the restoration of degraded streams by adding woody material, constructing beaver dam analogs, reconnecting floodplain and wetlands, and restoring connections between forest blocks in abandoned hay fields. Connectivity is being restored using techniques such as cluster planting, direct seeding, and facilitating natural regeneration. In addition to these activities, SCI partners are improving structural connectivity along an adjacent state-owned highway by providing under-road passage for imperiled wildlife. These combined efforts provide a holistic approach to improving the health of the HRCP and surrounding landscape for the benefit of both wildlife and local communities.

Project description (French)

Main contact organization for the project

The Nature Conservancy

Partner organization(s)

Vermont Agency of Transportation

Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department

Part of larger network(s)

Staying Connected Initiave (SCI)

Project status


Start year of project


Primary ecosystem focus



Connectivity action

Mitigation of infrastructure impacts


Research (Field evaluation of connectivity)

Land protection

Standard keywords


Transportation (roads, rails, bridges, culverts)

Wildlife species with a special status

Taxonomic Coverage


Vascular plants

Geographical coverage




Location name

West Haven, VT

Reports, publications or pictures