Project description (English)

The Three Borders linkage area includes the ‘top’ of Maine and portions of western New Brunswick and eastern Quebec. It is key to regional connectivity, linking northern Maine and the rest of the Northern Appalachians to the southwest with the extensive forests of the Gaspé Peninsula to the north and New Brunswick to the east. The St. John River forms the majority of the border between Maine and Canada in this linkage area.

Project description (French)

La zone de liaison des Trois frontières comprend le " sommet " du Maine et certaines parties de l'ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick et de l'est du Québec. C'est un partie intégrante de la connectivité régionale, reliant le nord du Maine et le reste des Appalaches du Nord au sud-ouest avec les vastes forêts de la péninsule gaspésienne au nord et du Nouveau-Brunswick à l'est. La rivière Saint-Jean constitue la plus grande partie de la frontière entre le Maine et le Canada dans cette région de liaison.

Main contact organization for the project

The Nature Conservancy of Canada

Partner organization(s)

Two Countries One Forest

Part of larger network(s)

Ecological Corridors

Staying Connected Initiave (SCI)

Project status


Start year of project


Primary ecosystem focus


Connectivity action

Mitigation of infrastructure impacts

Corridors network design

Land use planning

Policy and governance

Land protection

Research (Modelling)

Research (Evaluation of functional connectivity)


Core priority area designation

Standard keywords


Transportation (roads, rails, bridges, culverts)

Wildlife cameras

Taxonomic Coverage


Geographical coverage




New Brunswick

Location name


Reports, publications or pictures